Nawabshah Disability Forum (NDF)
National Disability & Development Forum (NDF) is a registered non-profit organization, approved by EAD (Economic Affairs Division), certified with PCP (Pakistan Center for Philanthropy), Sindh Charity Commission & Tax Exempted NPO that has been working in Sindh in the fields of Disability
NDF Introduction

National Disability & Development Forum (NDF) is a registered non-profit organization, approved by EAD (Economic Affairs Division), certified with PCP (Pakistan Center for Philanthropy), Sindh Charity Commission & Tax Exempted NPO that has been working in Sindh in the fields of Disability Human Rights, SRHR, Emergency Response, Climate Change, Shelter, Food Security, WASH, Protection, Clean Energy, Health & Immunization, Environment, Nutrition, Poverty Reduction, Good Governance, and Gender Mainstreaming since 2014.
NDF opposes all forms of discrimination. NDF has successfully implemented several projects in collaboration with a number of national and international partners/donors that Governments includes Sindh (DEPD & P&D, BBSYSDP) & Federal (BISP), INGOs includes USAID (SGAFP-BHA) Concern Worldwide, GlobalGiving, Pathfinder International, Iltizam Relief Society Malaysia, ADDTF-HelpAge International, DAI, IUCN, Handicap International (HI), UNESCO, Rehabilitation International (RI-Korea), Korea SHE Foundation, Transparency International, High Commission New Zealand, Abilis Foundation Finland, Acumen, National NGOs includes Mojaz Foundation, Peace & Justice Network (PJN) TDEA (Trust for Democratic Education & Accountability), Indus Consortium, AwazCDS Foundation, HRCP (Human Rights Commission of Pakistan), CPDI, Focus Pakistan, LEAD Pakistan, Hashoo Foundation, PHC Global, SPO, NOWPDP & Pakistan US. Alumni Network (PUAN) Sukkur chapter & others. Corporate sector includes SSGC, Engro Foundation, CDC, HBL Foundation, Sukkur Beverages limited, Meezan Bank, FFBL, & others. NDF has highly qualified, experienced and dedicated team on its both board and the management side. The organization has very strong systems and policies, External and Internal Audit System and Complaint Response Mechanism.

Our Services
All over the world, mental health is one of the biggest issues to be handled in our society. NDF has established NDF Rehab Centers in Nawabshah in 2018 and Scaleup Services Larkana. The Rehabilitation Centers bring regular services to 200 children with intellectual disabilities.
(Down Syndrome/Cerebral Palsy (CP)/Autism/Dyslexia/ADHD) & Limb Loss provision to Physical impaired children and independent living to the children with Intellectual Disabilities. NDF provides boarding & Day Care with free pick & drop facility.
Life therapies provided as below:
1. Physiotherapy
2. Psycho-Therapy
3. Occupational Therapy
4. Speech Therapy
5. limbs provision
6. Non Formal Education
Following are Free Services
1. Screening
2. Early Detection
3. Early Intervention
4. Life Therapies
5. Couple Counselling
6. Peer Counseling
7. Community mobilization
8. Boarding
9. Day Care
10. Transportation


NDF is voice of un-heard voices. NDF amplify voices against all kinds of violence of Human Rights. NDF organizes advocacy campaigns on different issues NDF organizes seminars & workshops for the capacity building of youth, women, Trans-genders, persons with disabilities on different social issues. NDF provides free mobility Aids required to persons with Disabilities NDF provides shelter to children with Intellectual disabilities to ensure their social protection with dignity & due care. NDF provides emergency kits (Hygiene Kits, Ration Bags & others) as required in disasters. NDF provides counselling on different issues to address social issues.

NDF provides Career Counselling to youth with/without disabilities for seeking jobs & admisions. NDF provides clean water to poor & marginalized community under WASH initiatives NDF provides session on Interfaith Harmony to ensure peace in the region under Peace Building initiatives. NDF provides help women in Gender Base Violence (GBV) cases to ensure social protection & possible help to reduce GBV cases. NDF provides training sessions on Police Reforms to ensure Community Policing under network of PFDP (Pakistan Forum on Community Policing) NDF provides community session on Citizen budgeting & budget process to ensure participation of community in Budget preparation process at local level under CNBA (Citizens’ Network for Budget Accountability) & CPDI Islamabad. NDF provides training on Institutional Development for Disabled People Organizations (DPOs) in Sindh for their strength & Empowerment.
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What is Disability & its kinds?
Disability is permanent condition, there is no medical treatment to end disability. There is no proper data in Pakistan but UN says there is 15% population is some form of disabilities. 01.00 billion Persons with disabilities افراد باہم معذوری live in the World. Following are kinds of disabilities:

- Physical Disability جسمانی معذوری
- Intellectual Disability ذھنی معذوری
- Down Syndrome ڈاون سنڈروم
- Hearing Impairment سماعت سے محرومی
- Autism آٹزم
- Visual Impairment بصارت سے محرومی
- Dyslexia ڈزلیگزیا & others
- ADHD اے ڈی ایچھ ڈی

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